Driving under the Influence (DUI) or Driving while Intoxicated (DWI) is a crime taken very seriously in San Diego County. A DUI case might start as a misdemeanor and a first offense might not require bail. However, the charges can quickly change into a felony. For example, police can charge the DUI as a felony when they find:

If there was a car accident and someone died, the charges could change into manslaughter or even murder.

Drunk Driving Arrest in San Diego: Posting Bail

How much is DUI bail in San Diego County? After an arrest, the accused person is taken to the police station where he or she is booked. If the arrested person has a prior DUI conviction there is a very good chance he or she may need at least a $10,000 bail bond. Two DUIs would typically require a $15,000 bail bond. A person with a prior DUI who is still on probation may need as much as $25,000 bail because a probation violation has occurred and bail for this offense by itself is $15,000. DUI with injury to another person will require a $100,000 bail bond to be posted before releasing your friend or family member from custody.

What happens in court in a DUI case?

Being involved in a DUI can be a traumatic experience. Contact King Triton Bail Bonds if your loved one has been involved in a DUI in San Diego County and we will offer information about the bail amount and will expedite his or her release process.

We are experts in DUI Bail Bonds in San Diego County with offices in San Diego, Vista and Poway and can service every jail in this county. For more information about the DUI bail amount, jail release process and to help get a loved one who has recently been arrested back on track

Call 24/7: 760.505.0811 (Local) | 844.224.5400 (Toll-Free)

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DUI Bail Bonds: Let Us Help Your Loved One Get Out of Jail

Need a DUI bail bond? If your friend or a family member has recently been arrested for a DUI in San Diego County, give us a call.

DUI crimes are taken very seriously. If a loved one is arrested for a DUI he or she could be facing serious fines and jail time. DUI bail can also be very high, sometimes many thousands of dollars.

You can count on us to get him or her out of jail and free again in no time at all. We know all the ins and outs of the bail system, so you can trust us to lead your loved one through the system in an efficient, fair manner.

If you need service from a DUI bail bond agency in San Diego, we are the ones to call first. We have all the experience needed to get your loved one out of jail fast.

With bail bonds, you only have to pay a fraction of the DUI bail cost up front and by calling us you won’t have to worry about getting all the money for bail late at night. Plus, our 24 hours a day, 7 days a week bail service is available whenever you need us; let us help your loved one get out of jail fast.

Pre-approved in 5 minutes » Call 24/7 760.505.0811